Tips & Tricks
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As a web designer I spend a lot of time renaming files to be web friendly, Mac quick bulk rename files in built feature has helped me a lot. I used to spent ages renaming it one by one for projects such as Eduoutings, The Toy...

I've started using Magento 1 for The Toy Store and 6 months in realised I have been doing it wrong. Here are some things I've learn't along the way, feel free to mention anything you've learn't and feel I or anyone else might find useful in the comments below. It...

While working on Eduoutings I discovered you can colour pick from any screen with Photoshop even out side of the application. To pick a colour from anywhere on your screen out side of photoshop: Click on the colour picker tool Select anywhere on anywhere on your photoshop...

Photoshop automate actions is an amazing feature that allows you to record a set of actions and apply it to multiple files. I use it a lot to resize images for websites such as The Toy Store & one8one, it saves me time. Go to Window ->...